This is time-sensitive, so apologies to the many Zero Retries Subscribers who are outside the Bay Area, California for whom this is not applicable.
Longer term readers of Zero Retries know that I am an unabashed fan of Internet Archive’s Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC) project. Thus I am happy to help out DLARC by getting the word out about this activity on behalf of DLARC. I consider this activity important enough that I would have made the 900 mile trip to help out if it weren’t for an important family event this week. I hope that some Zero Retries readers are able to help out and that we’ll see some fun photos and a report to come out of it. (There’s also the chance to meet the inimitable Jason Scott and Kay Savetz K6KJN).
Steve Stroh N8GNJ Editor, Zero Retries.
From Kay Savetz K6KJN - Internet Archive's Program Manager, Special Collections
Want to help Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications? Are you in or around Oakland, California?
In 2015 Internet Archive acquired a massive collection of manuals, rescued from the closing Manuals Plus in Maryland. The manuals were packed up and sent to San Francisco, awaiting for a day some or all of it would be digitized. That day has come.
In association with the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications, the manuals that deal specifically with radio equipment and radio testing equipment, which is a lot of them, are going to go to a scanning center to get scanned in.
This is great news! However, there's the little matter of the separating out the manuals relevant to radio.
This Wednesday, August 30, at the Internet Archive Physical Archive in Richmond, CA, Kay Savetz and Jason Scott will go through as many as possible of the hundreds of boxes of manuals to pull out the radio-adjacent ones to go to a scanning center.
They could really use some help.
It's the middle of the week and it's incredibly short notice. (This is because the physical archive is about to get a cleanup and reconfig and then they can't have us do this work until December or later, so we decided this to just go for it now.)
The job has no lifting: just opening a box, pulling out candidate manuals for radio (there’s a guide) and closing the box up again. We might consolidate boxes or otherwise do some shifting so the pallets don't go off balance, but otherwise, it's pretty straightforward.
If you can participate on Wednesday, August 3 in Richmond, California, please email
I'm not far from where they are in the North Bay, so I emailed Kay. Looking forward to helping out on this important project.
I've already benefited from so much of their work!
I wish I wasn't for far away (in Georgia) or I would come and help.
--Kathleen, KN4IJM