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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Steve do you know if Phil Karn KA9Q presentation in the Digital Modes forum at Hamvention 2022 has been posted somewhere on YouTube?

I found videos of many of the forums posted on the DARA channel but I couldn't find the one with Phil Karn.


Franco K4VZ

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Franco - I almost reflexively said "it's right there on the DARA Hamvention section on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/DARAHamvention)..." but fortunately I looked. You're right - the SDR Forum, of which KA9Q's presentation was a part, isn't there. Hopefully it's an oversight and it was recorded, and just not (yet?) posted. I'll be asking the Hamvention folks about that presentation. Worst case, I *think* I recorded (really basic, from a phone) video of that session.


Steve N8GNJ

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Thanks Steve; I saw the slides are on on GitHub (https://github.com/ka9q/ka9q-radio/blob/main/docs/2022-Dayton-talk.odp), but I thought the video would be interesting too since I think he showed a demo of his program running.


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Franco - I can confirm that KA9Q did a demo of his software during his portion of the SDR Forum at Hamvention 2022. It was impressive. It's really a shame that mundane presentations at Hamvention 2022 were recorded and posted on YouTube, and the SDR Forum, if it was recorded, was not (at least, not yet) posted to YouTube.

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