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Mar 31, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

At a recent PARC (Portland Amateur Radio Club, as in Portland, Oregon USA) club meeting we heard some plans about AREDN. The club lost its repeater site but secured a 10-year lease on a hilltop very close to my Portland QTH. After they finish getting their repeaters set up, they plan to work on AREDN. I assume that this would help extend the Willamette Valley Mesh Network (https://willamettevalleymesh.net/) which is based on AREDN farther to the north in the Willamette Valley.

Also, in episode 177 of the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast (https://www.hamradioworkbench.com/podcast) I heard George KJ6VU talking about getting more involved with AREDN. George moved up to the Portland area from California late last year so having a ham of his stature engaging on AREDN locally is bound to help energize folks. This is an exciting time in the Portland area!

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Tom - A group in the Portland area received a substantial ARDC grant in mid-2021 - see https://www.ardc.net/apply/grants/2021-grants/grant-oregon-hamwan-backbone-project-2021/. The grant was to create a Portland-based HamWAN network equivalent to the Seattle-based HamWAN network, but I believe the group has "pivoted" their project to use AREDN technology / techniques / networking instead of HamWAN. I should check in on them to get an update now that I'm not constrained from talking to them because I was a member of the ARDC Grants Advisory Committee.

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