2023-06-16 — Writer for M17 Project, Amateur Radio Moonshots
Thought provoking as always. I'd put all my chips on Moonshot #1. A modern org automatically gets us the rest of the list.
P.S. An RSS feed on that M17 news page would help us content aggregators get the word out even faster!
Cale - Wish... granted!
Yes! Thank you.
I am getting an error on the first two, but the third seems to be working.
Zero Retries interesting/adjacent ? https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/motorolas-satellite-link-hotspot-lets-you-send-messages-via-outer-space/
John - that is indeed Zero Retries Interesting - thanks for spotting that! Will be mentioned in the next few issues of Zero Retries.
Thought provoking as always. I'd put all my chips on Moonshot #1. A modern org automatically gets us the rest of the list.
P.S. An RSS feed on that M17 news page would help us content aggregators get the word out even faster!
Cale - Wish... granted!
Yes! Thank you.
I am getting an error on the first two, but the third seems to be working.
Zero Retries interesting/adjacent ? https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/motorolas-satellite-link-hotspot-lets-you-send-messages-via-outer-space/
John - that is indeed Zero Retries Interesting - thanks for spotting that! Will be mentioned in the next few issues of Zero Retries.