2023-12-15 — CATS - Rethinking APRS Paradigms, Revisiting ARSO, Proposal for a Geostationary Microwave Amateur Radio Payload, Comments to FCC On Revisions to VHF / UHF Bands Due 2024-01-08
Craig: I hope to make the case persuasively enough that use of 6 MHz channels on 70 cm has been used for decades - just with analog television instead of data. Thus I don’t see that “data” should be restricted to a smaller channel than analog television.
Yes, 6 MHZ is certainly the preferred outcome. I was looking at your 1.4 MHz alternative based on LTE, and thinking that 2 MHz for DVB-T is a minimum ask.
It would be interesting to try this with LORA as well.
Then again he might be using the LORA chip set for the FSK.
Steven: “this” being… ?
The CATS software
Instead of a minimum 1.4 MHz bandwidth on 70 cm, how about 2 MHz to accommodate the DVB-T recommendations found in this issue of the excellent Boulder ATV newsletter? https://kh6htv.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/tv-rptrs-rptr-148.pdf
Craig: I hope to make the case persuasively enough that use of 6 MHz channels on 70 cm has been used for decades - just with analog television instead of data. Thus I don’t see that “data” should be restricted to a smaller channel than analog television.
Yes, 6 MHZ is certainly the preferred outcome. I was looking at your 1.4 MHz alternative based on LTE, and thinking that 2 MHz for DVB-T is a minimum ask.
Craig - Yes with that new use case, 2 MHz channels will be my new minimum ask.