I noticed that you use the term "HAM radio". I'll admit that this term is one of my pet peeves. It appeared a few years ago and seems to have come from "CB"- hence "HAM". CB is an acronym; Ham is *NOT*!. Why do people pick up this bastardization? Please stop!
John - If you read Zero Retries 0104 carefully, you'll note that every reference to "HAM RADIO" (all caps) was specific to the name that the organizers chose for the name of the conference - HAM RADIO. See https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com - that capitalization is part of the logo in the upper left corner of their web page. In referring to that conference, I'm using THEIR preferred spelling, capitalization, etc. out of respect - it's THEIR conference, and they get to name, spell it, etc. however they wish.
If you take issue with such "bastardization" in the name of the HAM RADIO conference, I suggest you take it up with the organizers of the conference.
The only other use of "Ham Radio" in Zero Retries 0104 was a quote from the ARRL about ARRL Field Day.
MY preferred terminology for referring to Amateur Radio, that I use almost exclusively in Zero Retries, is just that - Amateur Radio.
What ICOM needs to do is to develop DSTAR further by allowing over the air uodate of repeater lists of at least build WLAN in the radio to directly update repeaterlists. Possibly teaming up with Repeatwrbook or create their own up to date server to maintain at least DSTAR lists worldwide. Using GPS to find nearby repeaters is great but without a “repeater list update for dummies” function (on button directly from UI of radio) it is only half way…Repeaters should Auto Update the radios over the air with nearby repeaters…
Werner... Interesting thought, and I agree that would be a nice capability, but that would be tough. Icom would have to implement an "update" protocol in their radios that would be able to receive, verify authenticity (signed by a source you trust to alter your radio's settings), error checking / and potentially correction, etc.
One version of your idea is that EACH repeater could beacon ITS information periodically, and radios that receive that beacon could display a message - New repeater info (display info) - add to internal database? And if the radio already has that info, it's ignored.
One thing about D-Star radios is that it already has the data communications capability - it just needs the firmware in the radio to understand those beacons (and, of course, to create the beacon protocol). Perhaps this is something that M17 Project could implement for M17 repeaters.
I explain Field Day as Burning Man for nerds.
Ready... That's... not a bad comparison!
I noticed that you use the term "HAM radio". I'll admit that this term is one of my pet peeves. It appeared a few years ago and seems to have come from "CB"- hence "HAM". CB is an acronym; Ham is *NOT*!. Why do people pick up this bastardization? Please stop!
John - If you read Zero Retries 0104 carefully, you'll note that every reference to "HAM RADIO" (all caps) was specific to the name that the organizers chose for the name of the conference - HAM RADIO. See https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com - that capitalization is part of the logo in the upper left corner of their web page. In referring to that conference, I'm using THEIR preferred spelling, capitalization, etc. out of respect - it's THEIR conference, and they get to name, spell it, etc. however they wish.
If you take issue with such "bastardization" in the name of the HAM RADIO conference, I suggest you take it up with the organizers of the conference.
The only other use of "Ham Radio" in Zero Retries 0104 was a quote from the ARRL about ARRL Field Day.
MY preferred terminology for referring to Amateur Radio, that I use almost exclusively in Zero Retries, is just that - Amateur Radio.
What ICOM needs to do is to develop DSTAR further by allowing over the air uodate of repeater lists of at least build WLAN in the radio to directly update repeaterlists. Possibly teaming up with Repeatwrbook or create their own up to date server to maintain at least DSTAR lists worldwide. Using GPS to find nearby repeaters is great but without a “repeater list update for dummies” function (on button directly from UI of radio) it is only half way…Repeaters should Auto Update the radios over the air with nearby repeaters…
Werner... Interesting thought, and I agree that would be a nice capability, but that would be tough. Icom would have to implement an "update" protocol in their radios that would be able to receive, verify authenticity (signed by a source you trust to alter your radio's settings), error checking / and potentially correction, etc.
One version of your idea is that EACH repeater could beacon ITS information periodically, and radios that receive that beacon could display a message - New repeater info (display info) - add to internal database? And if the radio already has that info, it's ignored.
One thing about D-Star radios is that it already has the data communications capability - it just needs the firmware in the radio to understand those beacons (and, of course, to create the beacon protocol). Perhaps this is something that M17 Project could implement for M17 repeaters.